Terms of Use

If you use our website, i.e. if you use KlickTipp for your e-mail marketing on your website or refer to our offers on the Internet (e.g. as part of our partner program), then you tacitly agree to the following terms of use.

We've put a lot of effort into creating our offerings and don't want to be associated with just any website. For these reasons, we take a very close look at how our customers use the KlickTipp email marketing tools. We want to be sure under all circumstances that our powerful e-mail marketing software does not end up in the wrong hands.

Rules of Participation

1. The sender must be clearly identifiable when sending an advertisement. Every e-mail sent must contain an easily recognizable imprint, either in the body of the e-mail or via a direct link. The imprint must contain the following information:

the name and address at which the sender is established, in the case of legal entities also the legal form, the authorized representative and the commercial register, register of associations, register of partnerships or register of cooperatives in which they are entered and the corresponding register number

Contact information, but at least a valid telephone number or an electronic contact form as well

an email address and

in cases in which a sales tax identification number according to § 27a of the sales tax law or a business identification number according to § 139c of the tax code is available, the indication of this number.

Further information obligations according to § 5 paragraph 1 of the Telemedia Act (TMG) remain unaffected.

2. E-mails are only sent to addressees who have given their consent (double opt-in) or who are in existing customer relationships with the advertiser and who meet the requirements of Art. 13 Para. 2 of the Data Protection Directive for Electronic Communications 2002 /58/EG of the European Parliament and the Council of July 12, 2002 have been complied with. In this context, the user is expressly recommended to collect user data via the Internet, preferably using the so-called double opt-in procedure.

3. Consent to the sending of advertising by e-mail must be given separately. The addressee must either click/tick a box or otherwise provide a similarly clear declaration of consent to the advertising via e-mails. This declaration must not be part of other declarations (e.g. consent to the validity of the terms of use).

4. The addressees must actively give their consent through a conscious act. No pre-checked/pre-checked boxes may be used.

5. Each e-mail must contain a reference to the possibility of revoking permission to send e-mails. Notices of this possibility must be included in every message sent. It must always be possible for the recipient to unsubscribe from e-mails without knowing access data (e.g. login and password). Exceptions to this can be permitted in individual cases if different handling is required due to special features of the service offered. Cancellations must be processed immediately.

6. The operator is entitled to remove e-mail addresses from the customer's mailing list as soon as a so-called hard bounce occurs on this e-mail address.

7. The customer must designate a contact person with telephone number and e-mail address for complaints. The response time must be a maximum of 24 hours on working days.

8. Neither the sender nor the commercial character of the message may be disguised or concealed in the header and subject line of the e-mail. Concealment or concealment occurs when the header and subject line are intentionally designed in such a way that the recipient does not receive any or misleading information about the actual identity of the sender or the commercial nature of the message before viewing the content of the communication.

9. When using e-mail addresses that the sender or his customers have acquired from third parties, the sender or his customer is obliged to ensure before carrying out any advertising treatment that only such recipients are actually written to who have declared their consent within the meaning of these participation rules, which not only refers to the dispatch by a third party but also by the sender or his customer himself.

10. Obtaining address data for third parties (e.g. through co-sponsoring) must be transparent to the user. In particular, address data obtained in this way may only be used for a mailing if, upon collection

the companies for which the address data was generated,

he lead. Please speak to us before taking any action that could place a disproportionate load on our servers.

Protect your access data for your KlickTipp user account!

As you can see from our data protection declaration, we make every effort to protect your personal data. However, you must also help ensure that your KlickTipp user account cannot be used by uninvolved third parties. If you take advantage of our offers, then you must observe the following security measures to protect your customer account:

Keep your username and password in a safe place so that others cannot access them, and make sure no one can see your password when you type it.

Choose a username and password that are secure, that is, not easily guessed by any particular sequence of numbers or letters.

Do not allow third parties to access or use your KlickTipp user account.

What happens if a user does not follow these principles

If we learn that our email marketing software is being misused, we will certainly take the following actions:

We will immediately block the user account of the customer concerned.

Fees already paid will not be refunded.

Since unauthorized use can lead to interruptions or irregularities in our customer service, we are suing the user for damages.

We do not make blanket judgments, but thoroughly investigate all suspected cases before making a decision. However, if this is to the detriment of a user, we act quickly.

What to do if you think one of our clients is abusing our email marketing tools

If you suspect that a KlickTipp user is misusing our email marketing software, please send us the link to the website in question. Use our contact form for this. In your message, briefly state the reason for your assumption. We take all complaints very seriously and investigate the allegations made in them as quickly as possible.

Important notice for those who sign up to our affiliate program to purchase our products through their own affiliate link

I'm sure you'll understand that we can't reward self-purchases, as doing so would undermine the efforts of our honest affiliates. We consider attempts to buy our products via our own affiliate link as theft, because our affiliates lose their affiliate commission through such unfair measures. They not only violate our understanding of justice, but also the Digistore24 guidelines.

Also, please do not try to buy using someone else's name through your own affiliate link. It's totally useless. Firstly, with the help of our affiliate program software, it is easy for us to detect bogus purchases fully automatically, because this type of transaction is characterized by a special feature: extremely few clicks (which also all come from a single IP address) and only one Purchase. Secondly, Digistore24 does not pay out any partner commission for its own purchases. This type of fraud attempt has been well known at Digistore24 for many years.

If we find that a user is buying via their own affiliate link, we report them to Digistore24, put them on our blacklist (future purchases of our products are then no longer possible) and block their user account.

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